creative writing, writing

3 (More) ‘Must-Have’ Books for Writers

Good morning wonderful writers.

December is upon us! I hope it is a great month for you all.

Around this time last year I shared a list of three ‘must-have’ books for writers. And this year, with Christmas looming on the horizon, it seemed  a good time to share three more! Take a peek:

1. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear – Elizabeth Gilbert

I saw loads of writers raving about this book this year, and so I had to pick it up. And like those writers who raved about it, I recommend it too! This book is a true account of Gilbert’s creative life, her experiences and her passion. She speaks in real, honest terms about the struggles of being creative, and allowing yourself to live that way. It’s a fascinating insight, but also full of great advice for writers and creatives at all stages of their creative journey.

2. Getting Published – Harry Bingham 

I am always a little wary about books that claim they can tell you how to get published, as it’s a long, complicated journey that varies for everybody. But I felt confident in this one, because it’s published as a sub-book to the Writer’s & Artists Yearbook. This is a great and important read. It speaks very honestly and very openly about publishing, including the highs and lows. It can be a little dis-heartening at times, to read some of the harsh truths, however knowing these truths gives you the knowledge you need to push forward.

I enjoyed reading this and felt it has left me better equipped when it comes to submitting to agents. And as I continue with my querying journey, I will be re-reading many chapters of this book to keep me on the right track.

3. The Urban Setting Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to City Spaces – Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi 

In last year’s book list, I mentioned Ackerman and Puglisi’s ‘The Emotion Thesaurus’ and I know it’s a popular book amongst writers. If you are writing a story set in the city, this is another must-have from this collection. It compiles various settings around cities, everything from busy streets, abandoned houses, homeless hostels and restaurants. What it does from there is list certain sounds, smells and sights associated with these places, which enables you to give great insight to your story. Of course, nothing beats physically going to settings that match your novel, but when you can’t this is a fantastic alternative.

What writing books would you recommend? I’m going to need some new reads for the new year, so please share your favourites below.

Until then,
Keep writing (and reading!)

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19 thoughts on “3 (More) ‘Must-Have’ Books for Writers”

  1. Harry Bingham has some good resources online too. They are practical and, as you say, feel honest about matters such as self publishing and the challenge of finding an agent if going the more traditional route.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Big Magic is great in terms of giving you a kick up the bum to create, haha. Sometimes that’s what is needed rather than specific writing advice 🙂 Will also definitely be checking out the Urban Thesaurus too, as I’m writing a story with a city setting at the moment!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post, Meelie 😊. I’ve always wanted to read Big Magic. I’ll have to track a copy down after reading your recommendation. Totally agree with you on the Writer’s Thesaurus books. They’re great.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve been meaning to read Big Magic for FOREVER now. My mom is a photographer, and she has been raving about it, too. I think I’ll have to add it to my Christmas break reading list, along with The Anatomy of Story by John Truby. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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