author, creative writing, writing

4 Things That Happen When You Make Writing a Habit

Good morning day dreamers and story tellers. I hope your week has been full of productivity and happiness!

I have had a rather long, stressful and fatigue filled week and yet somehow between it all I have found time to work on my novel edits every day! And it is because of this that I’d like to share my thoughts on today’s blog topic. I’d like to share four things that happen when you make writing a habit, despite your busy life.

1. It becomes hard to quit
Habits are hard to quit, which is often a bad thing. It this case though, it is a very good thing. Once you make writing a habit you’ll find yourself itching to write every day. While it may not always be possible to put pen to paper every day, the desire to is what is important. It means that you’re more likely to get down to it at your next available opportunity.

2. You meet your deadlines
Undeniably making writing a habit equals more writing. You’ll find it easier to meet deadlines, finish projects and move forward in your novel writing journey. I’ve spoken before about the importance of deadlines for writers, even those of us who are currently unpublished. Deadlines give us structure, and achievable goals and making writing a habit is the quickest way to meet them.
writing (15)

3. You become more dedicated
As I’ve made writing a habit, I’ve found myself more dedicated and more passionate about my writing. I have always loved to write, have never considered a life where I didn’t, but I have not always been as dedicated as I have been over the past couple of years. That is all down to the habit, it keeps a fire burning and encourages me to write even on those bad, writers block filled days.

4. You’ll find more time to write
Before writing became a habit, I used to wait to write until I had the perfect setting. I had to be at my desk, or in a coffee shop, or curled up on the sofa with a few hours stretched ahead of me. The thing is, you don’t need any of that. And when writing becomes a habit, you’ll find yourself fitting writing into your busy life, even at the busiest of moments. You don’t need a comfortable setting; you need a notebook, a laptop or a phone. You don’t need hours, you can scribble a few sentences in a matter of minutes. When writing is a habit you’ll find yourself trying to fit it in, like a smoker smuggling another cigarette break – only healthier and more productive!

Is writing a habit for you? Has it always been or did you have to make it so? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, so do comment below.

Until then,
Keep writing,

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72 thoughts on “4 Things That Happen When You Make Writing a Habit”

    1. Since I have developed the habit to write, writing has taken me over,. If I have something to write about I have to do it, until I get it out of my mind I have no peace. This makes me to have enough writing for many blogs and several books. How about that.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Thanks for sharing the hope.
    I think about all the good habits I already have and see your four points applies to them as well so I have evidence that it works.
    Now I have to make writing a habit.
    Thanks again.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I also recognise these ‘truths’, it becomes almost a superstition. In my own case, ‘writing’ is ‘something related to writing’, which may be editing, some research, etc. i.e. to do with the creative process.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Once something becomes a habit it’s hard to kick it. If writing is a person’s goal I tell them to make it a habit. Do not write when creativity strikes. Set aside a schedule and soon your mind will remind you that it’s time to get to work.

    Excellent list. We need reminders like this.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have very naggy and insistent characters who will not let me rest and care not for my natural indolence. (Particularly has they have signed me up for at least a trilogy of books-always read the small print!)
    Good post and very well thought-out list.
    Has to be reblogged!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Totally agree with all of this, but especially number 4. I used to always think I needed the perfect setting too, or that I had to be in an inspired mood to write, but you don’t, and you do learn that with a habit. Great post, M 😊.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. At the moment, I refuse to attach deadlines to my writing (unrealistic deadlines crushed my writing last year), but I definitely agree with creating a daily writing habit. Like tricking myself into exercise – saying all I have to do is walk around the block – I approach writing in a similar way.
    The only pressure I put on myself is to turn the computer, maybe research a fact if I don’t feel like actually writing, then before I know it, I’ve drafted a scene. This has allowed me to sustain a daily writing habit for a while now. It’s ‘no-pressure’ and enjoyable, and I always end up writing far more than I thought I would.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Marie! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I’m a fan of deadlines, but agree that they can add a lot of pressure, which can zap the enjoyment out of writing, which defeats the point. The nice thing about trying to do a little every day is it can be a simple sentence, or a little research. And perhaps, as you say, the lack of pressure frees you up to go into it and actually produce more.
      Really pleased you commented as it’s given me a lot to think about and I always love hearing how other writers work! Have a lovely day xx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I write well in the mornings in the peace and quiet. The summer holidays is going to be a challenge. My son is a continuous chatter box. Luckily he loves computer games. I’ll hide in my bedroom and use that hour. 😬

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Here via a reblog by Roger. Aristotle tells us we are creatures of habit. My niece suggested I read Charles Duhigg’s book called the “Power of Habit” which informs that habits can be good or bad. To change a bad one, we must find the trigger and do something different .So, your suggestions could helps us gain discipline and skill if practiced. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Keith, thanks so much for stopping by the share your wisdom! I’m glad you enjoyed the blog. I may have to check out that book, it sounds fascinating and I’m always interested in these things.
      Do drop by again! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks. It is a good read as it blends a very little bit of social science, with a lot of good anecdotes. Acknowledging the triggers that cause the bad habit was the most helpful part to me. Keith

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Writing has always been a habit for me, but I think things really changed (in a good way) when I decided to formally track time spent on writing (and how) via tables and charts. It helped me more formally set goals and track myself, distributing writing time among different tasks, rather than randomly focusing on a single aspect based on whim.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I have never been much of a writer, even as a kid I enjoyed a few short stories when I was about ten, but that is it, and I couldn’t even keep a journal very long because I would misplace it or just not know what to say. However, as I get older I have noticed how writing is becoming a great outlet for me because of dealing with anxiety, as well as hoping one day I can leave something for my children to look back on when I am older. I really enjoyed this article and it has encouraged me to start writing again, even if it seems like the most mundane thing. I also decided to start following you on Ista. Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

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