author, creative writing, writers, writing

4 Ways Reading Makes you a Better Writer

The concept of reading to enhance writing is not a new one, but it is so important that it can't be understated, and so I'd like to talk about it today, focusing on 4 ways reading makes you a better writer! Take a peek... 1. Reading enhances your understanding of story telling All books are… Continue reading 4 Ways Reading Makes you a Better Writer

author, creative writing, writers, writing

Finding Inspiration in Creative Hobbies

Writers are an incredibly unique species with the remarkable ability to find a story in every place, everyone and everything. I truly believe that writers, and all creatives, truly see the world in a different light. One that is more brilliant, more beautiful and sometimes more brutal. But it's this view that gives us our… Continue reading Finding Inspiration in Creative Hobbies

author, creative writing, writers, writing

The Importance of Deadlines for Writers

The main thing that I found when I started being stricter with my deadlines was this;You don't realise how much time you're able to put aside for writing until you have a deadline.  Setting deadlines not only encourages good discipline and productivity but it can also give you a confidence boost. Meeting a deadline or… Continue reading The Importance of Deadlines for Writers

author, creative writing, writing

4 Reasons to Visit your Novel’s Location

Today, I'd like to focus on reasons you should visit the location in which your novel is set. Yesterday, I went to London with the sole purpose of researching the areas my character's live, work and meet their fate...I visited two years ago, when I was in the early stages of planning my novel. I… Continue reading 4 Reasons to Visit your Novel’s Location

author, creative writing, writers, writing

The Do’s and Don’ts of Finishing your First Draft

There is nothing, quite like finishing a first draft. Nothing quite so exciting and relieving...and I have done it, fellow writers! I've always said I'd like to keep my blog posts relevant to where I am at within my writing journey, or current with new tips and advice I've today's blog post will focus… Continue reading The Do’s and Don’ts of Finishing your First Draft

author, creative writing, writing

Finding Inspiration in TV and Film

I'm adding another 'Finding Inspiration in...' post to the collection today. (See previously Finding Inspiration in Places and Music) TV and Film can be heavy distractions for writers, but if you're feeling the need to relax in front of the screen there's plenty of ways you can tie it in with fuelling your creative mind. Take… Continue reading Finding Inspiration in TV and Film

author, creative writing, writers, writing

8 Things Only Writer’s Do…

Just for fun, here's my '8 Things Only Writer's Do' ; 1. Narrate in their Mind...All the Time!!!It doesn't matter where you're going or what you're doing, you somehow always catch yourself narrating your surroundings. A simple walk down the street has you creating scenarios, imagining characters and building stories.2. Fill their Phones with NotesAs… Continue reading 8 Things Only Writer’s Do…

author, creative writing, writers, writing

5 Reasons to Make and Use Flash Cards

Morning writers, I hope you are all well! My blog post today focuses on what I'm calling 'Flash Cards' and some reasons why I think it's beneficial to make and use them while writing a novel. As with any advice, this is one person's opinion and may not be for you, but personally I have… Continue reading 5 Reasons to Make and Use Flash Cards

author, creative writing, writers, writing

Writing Your Novel Out of Order…

...does it work? I have written novel length stories in the past and always forced myself to write exactly in order, one chapter after the other. I mean, that's the logical approach, right? Yet this time, I haven't stuck quite so closely to that rule. I don't just mean I've been writing down ideas for… Continue reading Writing Your Novel Out of Order…

author, creative writing, writers, writing

Tips for Writing Multiple Perspectives

I've been thinking a lot over this last week about multiple perspectives in novels and stories. I am writing from two perspectives, (well, kind of three...I'll explain this another time!) and I've only ever written stories from one before. I've had to consider so much and have learnt a lot doing this so I'd like… Continue reading Tips for Writing Multiple Perspectives