author, creative writing, writing

Reader, I married him (and the impact this has on my writing)

To quote Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Reader, I married him. I've been absent in the online writing community for a few weeks while I focused on my wedding and my honeymoon. Thank you all for still being here now I'm back, I can't wait to catch up with you and hear how your writing journeys… Continue reading Reader, I married him (and the impact this has on my writing)

author, creative writing, writing

Travelling: It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.

I have always adored this quote from Ibn Battuta. Let's see it again: “Traveling—it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” - The Travels of Ibn Battutah As somebody who loves to write and loves to travel, this has always been something I think is entirely true. And I know that not everybody… Continue reading Travelling: It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.

author, creative writing, writing

Finding Time to Write While on Holiday

"A writer never has a vacation. For a writer life consists of either writing or thinking about writing." - Eugene Ionesco I love that quote. It's so true! As it happens, I am on vacation. And I'm taking most of my time to enjoy and appreciate the amazing things I'm seeing. It's completely, 100% okay… Continue reading Finding Time to Write While on Holiday

author, creative writing, writing

Things Writers Should Take on Holiday

Yesterday, I set off on a 3 week trip to see various parts of Europe. As such, I had to plan carefully what I was going to take with me, especially for writing. Vacations should be time to rest, relax, have fun and experience new things, and you may choose not to write too often… Continue reading Things Writers Should Take on Holiday

author, creative writing, writing

4 Ways Travelling Makes you a Better Writer

Good morning star gazers and adventure seekers, I hope you've all had an amazing week. If you follow me on social media (instagram, twitter, facebook) you may have seen that I've spent my week in Italy. I've explored Rome, Pompeii and Vatican City and it has left me rather blown away. So, it seems apt… Continue reading 4 Ways Travelling Makes you a Better Writer