author, creative writing, writers, writing

Fit Writing into your Busy Life

Finding time to write can be difficult. We all know it. But I'm starting to realise that there's more time in the day than I'd allowed myself to believe before. Many artists are procrastinators and I think sometimes we writer's do it without even realising it. It could be because we want out writing time… Continue reading Fit Writing into your Busy Life

creative writing, writers, writing

Finding Inspiration in Places

Happy Sunday to you all! Thank you for reading my blog. It is still very new, but I am absolutely loving writing it and it's helping to keep me focused on my dreams and my goals. Today, I'd like to share a cute little post about finding inspiration in places. My imagination bursts into life… Continue reading Finding Inspiration in Places

author, creative writing, writers, writing

Five must-try methods for beating writer’s block

Writer's block. We've all been there. Be it due to a lack of inspiration, motivation or too much procrastination. It slows us down, makes us feel guilty, and halts our progress. Luckily, there's a number of ways to beat it. Take a look... Read After writing, reading is what we do best. Not only is… Continue reading Five must-try methods for beating writer’s block

author, creative writing, writers, writing

5 Ways A Timeline Helps You Write Your Novel

Some writers are plotters. Others are pantsers. There's no right way to do it. There are pros and cons to plotting, and it's up to you to decide what works best. Personally, I'm a plotter. Typically, my plotting consists of a basic outline and little else. It worked for two novels. But on my third,… Continue reading 5 Ways A Timeline Helps You Write Your Novel

author, creative writing, writing

Writer’s block? Relax! Do something else.

Writer's block is a somewhat contentious concept. Some believe it is a real hurdle in the writing journey, others might say it is simply procrastination. I guess, as with many elements of writing, there is not right or wrong answer. Each writer is different. Personally, I think it's a thing. A block in the mind,… Continue reading Writer’s block? Relax! Do something else.

author, creative writing, writing

5 Quotes To Spur You On While Editing Your Novel

Editing is an essential part of the journey for any writer. It's the stage I'm at with my work in progress, and so has been a bit of a theme on the blog recently. I've discussed questions you should ask yourself while editing, as well as sharing my step-by-step editing method. It's not always easy… Continue reading 5 Quotes To Spur You On While Editing Your Novel

author, creative writing, writing

6 non-writing hobbies that can still inspire your writing

If you're a writer, you probably have, amongst others, two main hobbies; writing and reading. Though, for many of you, writing is not just a hobby, but a career. A lot of us are still thriving to get there. But we all have other hobbies and interests too, and these can be just as important… Continue reading 6 non-writing hobbies that can still inspire your writing

author, creative writing, writing

How To Use Mood Boards To Inspire You While Writing Your Novel

Mood boards are brilliant. There's something so pleasing about the aesthetic of it. And more importantly, mood boards can be a really useful tool to inspire you, and motivate you, while writing your novel. Here are just four ways to use them: Character Mood Boards Character mood boards are great fun to make. They enable… Continue reading How To Use Mood Boards To Inspire You While Writing Your Novel

author, creative writing, writing

Novel Writing: A little every day is enough

This week, I've been sinking back to reality after my wedding and honeymoon. That first week back was never going to be easy what with work (I work in a doctor's surgery and things are pretty crazy right now!), catching up on uni work, and sinking back into day to day life. That has included… Continue reading Novel Writing: A little every day is enough

author, creative writing, writing

6 things to do when you’re feeling disconnected from your story

Writing a story is exciting, it's fun and it's full of exploration. But it's also hard, and it's not uncommon for writers to reach a point where they feel disconnected from their story. Perhaps it's a particularly bad case of writer's block, or you've simply wound up in a slump. Whatever it is,, it sucks.… Continue reading 6 things to do when you’re feeling disconnected from your story