author, writers, writing

Benefits of taking part in NaNoWriMo

It's that time of year again. November is but a week away, which means it's nearly time for 2020's National Novel Writing Month. I've taken part three times before, in 2015, 2018 and 2019. I've only managed the full 50,000 words once, but each time has been a fantastic experience. You don't, by any means,… Continue reading Benefits of taking part in NaNoWriMo

author, creative writing, writing

Novel Writing: What To Do If You Miss Your Deadline

Deadlines are two things; fantastic and terrifying. Deadlines are important in writingas they keep you on track, help you form habit, and lead to productivity. But it's also important not to let those deadlines make you miserable, take the fun out of writing, or stress you out. I'll be the first to admit, I don't… Continue reading Novel Writing: What To Do If You Miss Your Deadline

author, creative writing, writing

How helpful are books on writing?

There are loads of books out there on the subject of writing. Famously there is the memoir by Stephen King aptly named On Writing. But amongst all the How-To-Write-A-Novel's and How-To-Get-Published's out there, how helpful actually are these books? For a long time I didn't read books on writing. I worried that I'd find them too rigid, too… Continue reading How helpful are books on writing?

author, creative writing, writing

Things to do Post-NaNoWriMo

The first of December is upon us, and National Novel Writing Month is over for another year. If you took part, and are wondering what next?! here are a few tips for you: Celebrate (whatever your word count!) NaNoWriMo is not all about the word count. Despite the 50,000 word target, the real aim is to get… Continue reading Things to do Post-NaNoWriMo


How To Fit Writing Around Your Full Time Job

Writing can be hard to fit in to your day, and many creatives are prone to procrastination. But sometimes the excuses are valid; work, school, children, housework...these are all things that need to be done. I started a new job 2 weeks ago, and the past fortnight has been mostly focused on settling in there,… Continue reading How To Fit Writing Around Your Full Time Job

author, creative writing, writing

The Pros and Cons of Prologues

Prologues can be a contentious issue. Everybody has a different opinion on them. I've known of readers who love them, agents who hate them, and everything in between! The last novel I wrote started with a prologue, even though as a reader I'm not a huge fan of them. Sometimes you just have to do… Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Prologues

author, creative writing, writing

Places All Writers Should Keep a Notebook

Notebooks, notebooks, notebooks. How many have we filled? And how many have we bought and not used yet?! As writers, notebooks are so important. They're great for jotting down observations and inspirations, for keeping ideas safe until you're ready to grow them, for moving your novel forward. As I writer, I'm obsessed with notebooks and… Continue reading Places All Writers Should Keep a Notebook

author, creative writing, writing

How to Stay Motivated During Edits

Edits. Edits. Edit. Editing a novel is a long process, and it can be all too easy to become disengaged. Maybe a new exciting idea has formed, and you want to work on that, instead of the novel you've read through already 100s of times. But you have to stay loyal to your work in progress. Finishing… Continue reading How to Stay Motivated During Edits

author, creative writing, writing

Reasons To Go Out To Write

Most writers experience procrastination. It's so easy to get caught up in all the other things you need/want to do, which leads to putting writing to the side. However, I've found that a great way to stop that from happening is to go out and write instead. Here's why; No home distractions Yesterday I tidied… Continue reading Reasons To Go Out To Write

author, creative writing, writing

Reasons to Love Editing Your Novel

Many writers have a love/hate relationship with editing. My favourite writing quote, and one I refer to often: “I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.” - Shannon Hale I love the idea of shovelling your words onto a page… Continue reading Reasons to Love Editing Your Novel